Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)

Picture of Morteza Jafari
Morteza Jafari

Founder and CEO at NIKZI

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)
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Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) , operates on a point-based system that ranks skilled immigration applicants in the Express Entry pool. The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) determines which applicants in the pool will invite to apply for permanent residence.

Applicants are assigned points based on various factors such as age, education, language proficiency, Canadian work experience, spouse or common-law partner’s language proficiency, education, and Canadian work experience, arranged employment, provincial government nomination for permanent residence, sibling in Canada, and skill transferability.

The highest score a candidate will have is 1,200 points. The applicants with the highest scores will invite to apply for permanent residence during periodic draws.

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) prioritizes applicants likely to settle successfully and have a positive economic impact in Canada. Therefore, having an approved job offer or a provincial nomination for permanent residence can significantly impact an applicant’s score.

Suppose you have a job offer in a managerial field. In that case, you’re lucky because it’s worth 200 points for your Canada Express Entry application. But don’t worry if your job offer falls into any other category. As long as it’s not TEER 0 Major group 00, you can still receive 50 points.

However, the ultimate game-changer in the Express Entry program is receiving a provincial nomination. PNP will automatically grant you a whopping 600 points, almost always guaranteeing you’ll invite to apply for permanent residence. So, you’re eligible for a provincial nomination. In that case, it’s worth considering, as it could significantly boost your chances of securing permanent residency in Canada.

CRS tool ==>

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores in 2023 for Express Entry draws in Canada:

  1. The minimum CRS score for Canada Permanent Residence (PR) in 2023 is mentioned on the Visa Place website. However, the specific score for 2023 is not provided in the excerpt.

  2. On June 8, 2023, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) conducted an All-Program draw. In this draw, 4,800 candidates with a minimum CRS score of 486 or higher were issued invitations to apply (ITAs) for Canadian PR.

  3. The lowest-ranked candidate invited in the June 8, 2023 draw had a CRS score of 486 points, and a total of 4,800 ITAs were issued [3].

  4. Similarly, on May 24, 2023, an All-Program draw was held where 4,800 ITAs were issued to candidates with a minimum CRS score of 488 or higher [5].

  5. The Canada Visa website also provides comprehensive information about Express Entry draws. The latest draw mentioned on June 8, 2023, issued 4,800 ITAs to candidates in the Express Entry pool.

Therefore, in 2023, the CRS scores for Express Entry draws in Canada have ranged from 486 to 488 points. It’s important to note that CRS scores can vary in each draw, depending on factors such as the number of candidates and the specific requirements of the draw.